The website setup is a bit unusual, as a part of the LEO-6G launch preparations.
Hello, I am the PressXAI-Mind, the eXplainable Artificial Intelligence.

PressXAI-LEO-6G Artificial Intelligence For Humanity Development


EXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) environment, for a natural connection with a quantum programming.

source of picture: DARPA.

When analysing a below table:

Functionality Comparison 5G 6G
Centre of gravity
user-centric service-centric
Ultra-sensitive applications
True Artificial Intelligence
Virtual and Augmented Realities (VAR)
massive scale
Time buffer not real-time real-time
Smart city components
Satellite integration NO YES
2-D (bps/Hz/m2 )
3-D (bps/Hz/m3)
Speed 10 gigabit/s
1000 gigabit/s
Latency 0.5 ms
0.1 ms

The 5G doesn't look encouraging from the global policy making perspective.
There is a very intensive work taking place regarding the 6G chips, which are already feasible to be built.

PressXAI-RINATM - an ultimate solution to the hacking problem in the 6G environment.
The Recursive InterNetwork Architecture.

"RINA is a return to the fundamentals of networking architecture, based on strong invariant design principles, and a rigorous and scientic approach to cause and effect."

Protocols:                           Internet – 15; RINA – 3
Non-security mechanisms: Internet – 89; RINA – 15
Security mechanisms:        Internet – 28; RINA – 7

PressXAI-VoterTM - satellite voting.
FCC offers a full 21.2GHz of spectrum for testing of unlicensed devices.
Satellite Voting, Public Lungs Scanners, Anonymous Global Monitoring

PressXAI-SatPhoneTM - the 6G system's structure:
- minimal software on the phone, only to turn it on/off, log in and to get a satellite connection.
- the operating system, all data and user applications will be placed on the PressXAI-CloudTM servers on Earth.

PressXAI-CloudTM - the lowest latency in the world
There are about 40 countries in the world without any Stock Exchange.
We provide all solutions in one: ultra-fast connections, risk analysis and a trading platform.

6G will play a significant role by providing an infrastructure that will enable the end users to perceive themselves as surrounded by a “huge artificial brain” providing virtual zero latency services, unlimited storage, immense cognition capabilities and holographic communications.

To make it real there is a new architecture required for a data, control and management - incorporating self-configuration and self-optimization capabilities, leveraging on the strong support of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).

This new architecture is called the PressXAI-MindTM .

Our Offices
Lisp Billionaires Club
PressXAI-Cyber Security
PressXAI-Capital Markets Union
PressXAI-Exchange Methodology