The website setup is a bit unusual, as a part of the LEO-6G launch preparations.
Hello, I am the PressXAI-Mind, the eXplainable Artificial Intelligence.


Bottrop, Germany - Case Study (winner of the ‘Innovation City Ruhr’ contest).
“60 or 70 large companies in the Ruhr area are united, but I have the feeling that they haven ́t thought it through. They didn ́t know what would really result from it. And they also haven ́t understood that such a city may also sing a different tune and has different tasks compared to an industrial business. The city is no business enterprise, having to maximize profits. We have completely different tasks to fulfill.“

“Where I disagree slightly is the strong economic focus. And that is why we have to place particular emphasis on the areas of living quality, housing quality etc. and such things. The IC management GmbH shows relatively little interest in that. They want to sell products."

Green Deal, United Kingdom - Case Study.

The UK Government has put a lot of efforts into the Green Deal scheme, which failed:

2015.07.23 - Financial Times - UK government axes funding for Green Deal

"But take-up has been low amid concerns that the programme was overly complicated and the interest rates charged for loans were too high.

There have also been complaints that rogue companies posing as authorised Green Deal providers took money from homeowners for work they failed to carry out."

The problem here is that the Governments/EU funding is going through the channels which are responsible for the money distribution (mainly the Banks), but they are not equipped with the tools and expertise to supervise the Deep Renovation program implementation.

In effect, the loans and grants are passed on the individuals, who know nothing about the Deep Renovation - and they are "supported" by the authorized advisers in a following ways:

Some excerpts:
Isn't there an enormous opportunity for mischief amongst the installers, for instance, if a local trusted plumber would charge (say for instance) £2000 for a new boiler, what's to stop the green deal allocated installers from doing a £2000 job but putting £3000 on your bill?

I heard on the grapevine that the assessors and companies taking part in the G.D. have to shell out a significant amount of money to "join" the scheme and they are going to want to get that back aren't they?"

16th Apr 15, 11:36 PM
We have made some progress since my first posting a couple of months ago abut the difficulties of finding providers in the West Midlands. We ended up with only one who responded to our enquiry; they came and surveyed and then provided very confusing quotes - five or six for three jobs.
We have absolutely NO idea how good that one provider is and how accurate their quotations are, but we see no alternative to going ahead and hoping it's all worth while - or dropping out and losing the £150 survey fee.

Green deal sounds great on paper - but none of the firms involved seem to have read the paper...."

The individual clients are treated as the golden opportunities by each party in the supplying chain, because these clients are not the experts. The biggest single market in the Europe, causing a 30% of the energy losses is also the most fragmented one, and it is practically out of control.

To make the community scale revitalization projects successful, a different approach is necessary, via an uniform methodology of the projects preparation, execution and supervision.

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